At Galvan, we aspire for you to take ownership of your health and wellness through an ecosystem that encourages physical stamina, affirms mental wellness, and informs you about ways to care for yourself and others.
Galvan was founded in 2021 by a group of healthcare professionals and blockchain experts, with a mission to merge their two worlds together and disrupt the globe.
From day one, Galvan knew that a strong team would be key to its success. To date we have done just that—with a fantastic team and partnerships totaling over 100 individuals combined.
To be part of the Galvan community is to be a Galvanator. Come join us as we build the strongest health and wellness community in the world.
Galvan Community Formed
Node Network Testing
3-Layer Blockchain Ecosystem
IZE Distribution Launch
g+ App Private Beta
Ethereum Bridge Deployed
g+ App Public Beta
Galvan Block Explorer
g+ App Release
Galvan Learn Article Library
Personalized Health Insights
Smart Node Boost NFTs
Healthcare Partnerships
g+ Push Notifications
g+ Community Challenges
g+ Badge Collections
g+ Features and Improvements
Well Collective Marketplace Launch
Enhanced IZE Block Explorer
Expanded pathways to earn IZE Rewards
Emergency physician and former Director of the Care Improvement Research Team at Kaiser Permanente Southern California.
Former CEO and owner of a global nutrition company, and an international business builder.
CEO of Switch Reward Card. Former President and Co-Creator of Discover Bank and Discover Card.
Drug discovery and development expert, co-founder of 5+ Pharmaceutical Companies, and 15+ FDA approved drugs. Not only is David an industry-leading expert in small molecule drug development and genetic model systems for drug discovery, but he also has unique experience in translational research focused on the use of genetic markers to predict drug sensitivity.
A subject matter expert in cybersecurity, holder of 5 U.S. Patents in the field, and has over 25 years of technology and operational experience in U.S. Government, Fortune 500, mid-size, and startups. He also has a strong track record identifying cybersecurity technologies that result in customer, and company success.
A team of over 150 engineers, product managers, and blockchain developers working with Galvan to deliver world-class technology and products.
Legal team with 5+ years of experience in the Web3 industry guiding Galvan towards a safe and productive future.